Sunday, August 17, 2008

treating the stretch marks

What do stretch marks look like? Depending on your skin color, stretch marks start out as pink, reddish brown, brown, or very dark brown streaks. After time they can fade to a more silvery color that’s lighter than your other skin. Where do they normally happen on your body? They can happen anywhere on your body, but are most common on hips, breasts and buttocks.Whether you get them or not is simply a matter of genetics… that is, how elastic your skin is. There’s nothing you can do, so don’t worry about it either way! Does cream help? Many women use various types of creams, lotions, and oils to try to prevent stretch marks from forming. Unfortunately, while such products soothe and soften the skin, there is no medical evidence to prove that they actually work! So beware of advertisers trying to sell you expensive products claiming that they prevent stretch marks! This said, there is some new medical research which shows that some specific creams may be able to help the appearance of stretch marks. Apparently, using 0.1 percent Tretinoin cream (commonly known by the trade name Retin-A) on stretch marks will slightly reduce the length and width of stretch marks.

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